Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling
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Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling

Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling

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Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling has been surrounded with tradition for almost 650 years. It was actively participated by media, folk-dance groups, artists, thousands of spectators and statesmen both from Turkey and all over the world.

The Kirkpinar Wrestling contests happen in the field known as Sarayici Er Meydan within Sarayici and this year was the 646th contest. The Kirkpinar Wrestling contest usually held at the end of June and at the beginning of July and it lasted for a week. The Kirkpinar Wrestling contest was initiated by visiting the graves of the wrestlers Adaly Halil and Kara Emin in Kaleyici with a prayer service. The participants go to Sarayiçi after they pay homage to the late wrestlers followed with a magnificent ceremony. The wrestlers emerge on the field and act the warming up movements recognized as pesrev which bear the resemblance of the way an eagle flaps its wings when it is about to lunged its prey. Then they do the traditional gesture of greeting that involves knocking their right hand on the ground and touching it with their breast and forehead. This action expresses a message to their opponent stating “You are such a great wrestler that I am not worthy to be a part of the earth you walk upon”.

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During the Ottoman times, this three day event took place every year in the village of r Edirne. Now, this village is already a part of Greece and named Samona, this is the reason why the Kirkpinar Wrestling Contest is held in Sarayici in Edirne instead. Wrestlers from all over Turkey make ready for this event throughout the preceding year. The fields wherein the contest will be held turn into a colorful and animated fair ground that was filled with restaurants, tea houses and side shows.

Wrestler contestants dress in breeches known as kispet that was made of leather from cow or goat’s skin and then they oil their skin with olive oil before each bout. Wrestling tournament was opened by the aga; this is the person who tenders the largest sum for the tournament ram. Wrestlers were group into ten categories according to their previous experience and track record in the competition. The categories are bas gure, bas alti, buyuk orta, buyuk boy, kucuk boy, deste buyuk boy, deste orta boy, deste kuyuk boy and tesvik.

Bas gure is the highest category that was held in the last day of the tournament. The two wrestlers who make it to the final match will get the chance to win the Gold. This match usually last for several hours. Wrestlers who win in three consecutive years will be awarded of belt made from 1450grams of gold from the municipality of Edirne. There is one consolation given to the losers of this event , the chance to try another luck next tournament.

The municipality of Edirne has started to organize this event every year since 1946. Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling is the enduring tradition of Turkish and considered the sports of their ancestors. Kirkpinar is the place that shows the Turks bravery that has been put into writing, their courage that has been told and where the Turks power has been revealed all over the world in centuries.

Aside from the combat, the festival attracts gypsies from around the Middle East and Eastern Europe. This festival has vibrant light springs up outside the arena. Most visitors were worn out in cheering and hooting fighters. They let themselves be involved and be pleased with the sights and sounds of the Bohemian behavior.

Why do they have to apply oil anyway?
For many years, the trainees of these sports have been equipped within religious settlements. The initial wrestling sketches were discovered in Egypt in Benin Hassan temple, which was built five thousand years ago

In Central Asia, religious men called "shamans," and "dai" agreed to involved themselves in wrestling. Like Turkish Kirkpinar and Japanese Sumo Wrestling, which put back the religious patterns of the Ottoman Empire, wrestlers are molded up in sacred settings which called "tekke" for seven hundred years. They believe that man is not only made up of flesh but the other half of the human equation is the spirit and the spiritual being so, wrestling without the spiritual relationship has been believed to be destructive for the perfection of the human character.

The people from Anatolia spent time applying olive oil on to their bodies, continued to wrestle with their oiled bodies, and an innovative style of wrestling rooted from this order: "oil wrestling." Wrestlers with oil are an implication of the importance of "balance" in such competition.



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